Camp Wisdom Dentistry


 Camp Wisdom Dentistry in Duncanville Texas is the best general dentistry clinic in the area. They practice cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry, and even provide emergency dental care at a moment’s notice. Cosmetic dentistry includes teeth whitening, veneers, and bonding. Restorative dentistry includes fillings, crowns, and implants.

 The staff at Camp Wisdom Dentistry are highly skilled and experienced. They are always up-to-date on the latest techniques and technology. They use state-of-the-art equipment to provide the best possible care for their patients. The office is clean and comfortable. The staff is friendly and caring.

 If you are looking for a general dentistry clinic in Duncanville Texas, then look no further than Camp Wisdom Dentistry. They will provide you with the highest quality of care possible.

 Implants are a fixed alternative to removable dentures.

 You can use implants to replace just a single tooth or several teeth.

 To fit an implant, titanium screws are drilled into the jaw bone to support a crown, bridge or denture.

 Replacement parts take time to prepare because they need to fit your mouth and other teeth properly. This means they may not be available on your first visit to the dentist.

 Implants are usually only available privately and are expensive. They're sometimes available on the NHS for patients who cannot wear dentures or whose face and teeth have been damaged, such as people who have had mouth cancer or an accident that's knocked a tooth out.

 More commonly known as false teeth, dentures are fitted in place of natural teeth.

 A full set is used to replace all your teeth. A partial set is used to replace 1 or more missing teeth.

 Dentures are custom-made using impressions (mouldings) from your gums. They're usually made from metal or plastic.

 They're removable, and you can clean them by soaking them in a cleaning solution.

 Dentures are important if you lose your natural teeth, as losing your teeth makes it difficult to chew your food, which will adversely affect your diet and may cause your facial muscles to sag.

 If the tooth is just chipped, make a non-emergency dental appointment to have it smoothed down and filled or have a crown.

 If the tooth has been knocked out or is badly broken, get advice from 111 online or call 111.

 If it’s an adult (permanent) tooth, try to put the knocked out tooth back into the hole in the gum. Make sure the tooth is clean and you do not touch the root. If it does not go in easily, put it in milk or saliva.

 If it’s a baby tooth, do not put it back in. It could damage the tooth growing underneath.

 Read more about chipped, broken or cracked teeth or knocked out teeth.

 Teeth whitening involves bleaching your teeth to make them a lighter colour.

 Teeth whitening cannot make your teeth brilliant white, but it can lighten the existing colour by several shades.

 Standard teeth whitening involves 2 to 3 visits to the dentist, plus sessions at home wearing a mouthguard containing bleaching gel.


 You usually need to wear the mouthguard and bleaching gel for a specified period of time over a few weeks.

 Another procedure called laser whitening or power whitening is done at the dentist's surgery and takes about an hour.

 Teeth whitening is cosmetic and therefore generally only available privately.

 Veneers are new facings for teeth that disguise a discoloured or chipped tooth.

 To fit a veneer, the front of the tooth is drilled away a little.

 An impression is taken, and a thin layer of porcelain is fitted over the front of the tooth (similar to how a false fingernail is applied).

 Veneers are generally only available privately, unless you can show a clinical need for them.

 Permanent teeth can last a lifetime with good care. The risk of tooth decay, gum disease and tooth loss can be reduced with good oral hygiene, a low-sugar and acid diet, use of a mouthguard when playing sport, and regular dental visits.. It is recommended that everyone, including young children, visit the dentist twice a year. Modern techniques mean that dental treatment can be carried out with no, or very little, discomfort.

 When you go for a dental check-up, your dentist should ask questions about your general health and medications. Many health conditions have an effect on your oral health and vice versa. Some medicines can affect your mouth or need to be taken into consideration before dental treatment.

 Your dentist will check each tooth using small instruments, such as a mirror and probe (a fine, pick-like tool). The dentist looks for issues such as tooth decay, gum disease and other conditions.

 Soft tissues in the mouth (gums, tongue, lips, cheeks and palate) are also checked for signs of oral cancer and other possible problems. Your dentist may also check your jaw joints and the lymph nodes in your neck.

 If a suspected dental problem is difficult to see (for example, possible decay between two touching teeth, or an infection), x-rays may be needed. If there’s a problem, your dentist will explain the treatment options and give you an estimate of the cost and the time it will take.

 Professional cleaning removes built-up debris from the teeth. This may include food particles, soft plaque (bacterial growth) or hard calculus (caused by the mineral deposits from saliva onto the soft plaque , sometimes called tartar). Plaque and calculus are the main causes of gum disease.

 The dental professional then cleans and polishes your teeth using a rotating brush with a polishing paste. Professional cleaning helps treat and prevent gum disease.

 Your dental professional can give you advice on how to keep up your oral hygiene between appointments to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

 Sealants protect teeth from decay. Any tooth that has deep grooves or fissures can be treated, but fissure sealants are usually placed on molars and premolars rather than front teeth.

 A sealant is painted on to the biting surface of a cleaned tooth, and sets as a durable plastic material. It creates a barrier that stops food and other bacteria from collecting in the grooves of the tooth and causing decay. Fissure sealants are often recommended for children, as they reduce the risk of decay in permanent teeth.

 Dental fillings are used to treat tooth decay that has caused a cavity (hole). The dentist removes decay from the tooth, cleans the cavity, dries and seals it with a filling material.

 A variety of materials can be used to fill the cavity. You will be given advice on the most suitable material based on the size, shape and location of the filling. A common choice is tooth-coloured filling material (such as resin composite or ceramic), which can restore the appearance of the tooth, as well as its shape and function.

 Your dentist can suggest various treatments to restore damaged teeth. These treatments help restore the appearance, shape and function of your teeth. They include:

 Composite resins - – chipped, discoloured or oddly shaped teeth can be treated by bonding a tooth-coloured resin filling to improve the appearance of the affected tooth. This resin may need to be replaced in future if it chips, wears or stains.

 Veneers – a veneer is a thin layer of resin or porcelain that is permanently glued to the front of the tooth. Sometimes the tooth needs to be slightly ground down to allow space for the veneer.

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