This cross between Chemdawg and Super Skunk is popular for a reason. It tends to be higher in THC, so experienced cannabis consumers seem to come back to it time and again, enjoying its energizing effects that may be helpful to people with depression.Jack Herer, named after the cannabis activist and author, is another popular strain.It ranks high on the energizing scale among reviews, with several people noting it helped with depression symptoms.

Granddaddy Purple is another highly relaxing strain. It’s often praised for its insomnia-fighting and stress-reducing results. Users also note that it can make you feel euphoria and increase hunger, which is great if you’re experiencing a lack of appetite.Originating from the Hindu Kush mountains near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, Afghan Kush is super relaxing and sleep-inducing. This, too, can help you feel hungry if you’re experiencing a lack of appetite, and can relieve pain.

Because marijuana contains some of the same chemicals found in tobacco, there have been concerns that smoking it could harm the lungs. The effects of inhaled marijuana on lung health aren't clear, but there's some evidence it might increase the risk for bronchitis and other lung problems.The National Institute on Drug Abuse says marijuana can be addictive and is considered a “gateway drug” to using other drugs. "The higher the level of THC and the more often you use, the more likely you are to become dependent," Bonn-Miller says. "You have difficulty stopping if you need to stop. You have cravings during periods when you're not using. And you need more and more of it to have the same effect."  Learn more about the long-term effects of marijuana use.

The longer you take opioids, the greater the chances that your body will get dependent on them. If that happens, you may have withdrawal symptoms -- like anxiety, a fast heart rate, sweating, nausea, and chills -- when you stop taking them. This is more likely if you try to stop too quickly instead of tapering off slowly. Talk to your doctor about how to stop safely.

Tko Bubba Kush

“Not all seeds that are sold under the same name are genetically identical, or even necessarily related. Some producers may choose to create a strain name essentially as a branding exercise, or to identify their product with an existing name because they believe the product matches characteristics the market expects from product sold under that name,” Elberg explains.There are, however, still consistencies among product sold under specific strain names, Elberg adds.

Depression. With their reported energizing, mood-uplifting, and creativity-inducing effects, sativas may help combat feelings of lethargy and apathy.Anxiety. Similarly, some people report that cannabis sativa strains can ease anxiety with soothing and uplifting effects. Others find that it helps them “snap out” of repeated or intrusive thoughts.ADHD. Because of the cerebral and increased focus effects attributed to sativas, some people report that cannabis sativa products help ease symptoms of ADHD.If you’re using cannabis to help with mental health symptoms, be sure to keep up with any other prescribed treatments. And keep in mind that the impact of cannabis on mental health conditions is still poorly understoodTrusted Source.

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